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There's a shadow just behind me
Shrouding every step I take
Making every promise empty
Pointing every finger at me
Waiting like a stalking butler
Who upon the finger rests
Murdered now the past it cost me
Just because the son has come

Jesus, won't you fucking whistle
Something but the past and done?
Jesus, won't you fucking whistle
Something but the past and done?

..................................Maynard James keenan

The project began with the question, what is the dark side of human psyche? 

what does it mean to have a shadow behind me ? This led me to understand the concept of Dark triad & Narcissism. 


Reading Freud..


Synthesis to Metaphor ..



Like the Iron pillar in India was extracted from the phenomenon, An iron pillar which is self-sufficient, appears to stand tall, taller than the social millennia, self-made iron, everything hits deflect back,

a symbol of perfectionism, 

exhibitionism, social boldness. 

Narcissism feeds on the same facets of 

exhibitionism, social boldness, perfectionism, self-absorption and others. 

Metaphor to conceptualization ..


The pillar standing tall in the centre, User interacts with the pillar as it approaches towards it. 

Interactive space

Interactive space

Interactive space

Interactive space

As the ego of a narcissist feeds on the gratification and applause from spectators. The narcissistic pillar wears

the characteristics of increasing its illumination with the increase in the proximity of the spectators. 


Closing gap between spectator 
& pillar =  feeds the ego of the pillar.


Feed Ego = Increased brightness.


Camera trigger point

Pillar brightness = 20 % 

Pillar brightness = 50 % 

Camera trigger point

Pillar brightness = 90 % 


The camera mounted as a crown of the narcissistic pillar consumes the motions

of the spectator, and deflects them back to the spectator.  Captures and 

keeps in the memory and plays it back 

as an action of deflection.

The trigger for interaction. Crossing the trigger

makes camera stop recording, and deflects the recorded memories back to spectator.

rex1 copy.jpg

The trigger for interaction. Crossing the trigger

makes camera stop recording, and deflects the recorded memories back to spectator.


Prototyping stage II..


By-products and ideas.


Freud understood narcissism as the libido that has been withdrawn from the external world and has been directed to the ego and thus given rise to an attitude which maybe called narcissism or megalomania (over valuation of the self or the withdrawal of interest from people or things). The object cathexes which can be sent out and withdrawn back again resembled the phenomenon of an Echo. This phenomenon of echo leads the psyche to  project narcissistic traits such as grandiosity, leadership and authority, exhibitionism ,entitlement , exploitativenesss.The project is a meta representation of these phenomenon. Metaphor of an Iron Pillar was extracted from the phenomenon. An iron pillar which is self sufficient , appears to stand tall , taller than the social millennia , self made of iron , everything that hits deflects back , symbol of perfectionism , exhibitionism.

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